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Webcam Hosting Extras

Customise your basic or standard webcam hosting package to how you want it by adding just the extras you need (Professional plan has everything except restreaming included already). Just select from the list of add on extra's below and these will be billed separately each month, so you can always remove them later if you dont need them any more.

Custom Player - Brand Your Player with your Own Logo and skin style

The Business and Professional accounts include the option to add your own Logo and player branding plus a choice of skins to customise the look of your stream.

You can add this feature to the Basic or Standard account for just £1.00 per month. With this feature we can add your own logo to the player which shows up when you move the mouse pointer over the picture or have the logo show continually. Your brand can show top or bottom, left or right of the picture which can be solid or semi transparent as you wish. You can also have a small control bar logo as well or instead of the screen logo. We can also add a loading splash screen of your own design and a click through from the logo to another page on your web site if you wish. You can even have a custom notification image e.g. a test card show when the stream is off line instead of the standard off line image which is handy if you regularly take down your live feed. You can also choose from a range of player skins to more readily compliment your web site. Find out more about this great add on here.

You can add your own brand and logo to your basic or standard plan for £1.00 per month.

Add Your Own Logo Option £1.00

Live Clock - Separate clock on control bar or top left of live screen in your time zone

If your webcam can not show a live real time clock display or if you would rather have a clock on your player control bar so it does not interfere with the live picture then this add on feature is great.

We can put a separate clock display on your player control bar so it appears while the control bar is visible or we can put it at the top left of the live picture so it is always showing.

This clock can be set for any time zone to suit the country the camera is installed in and it always shows the correct time in that time zone even when the live picture is paused.

We can even set it to show the seconds ticking by - or not and it can be in 12 or 24 hour format as you prefer. See Live Overlay Clock Demonstration here and see Live Control Bar Clock Demonstration here.

You can add the separate live clock feature to your basic or standard plan for £1.00 per month.

Add Live Clock toyour live webcam player

Add Live Clock Option £1.00

News Ticker - A scrolling updateable news feed about your club or products etc.

Have news you like to share with your viewers? With our news ticker option you can show your own news and information feed scrolling across the bottom of your live stream - just like on Sky news or BBC.

You can host the RSS file yourself and update it as you wish with your latest news, events or offers and the ticker will pick up your latest news and update the feed every 10 minutes. So you can alter your data as little or often as you need and the ticker will update and show it to all your viewers.

You can even have clickable news items to go to another page or site when clicked and use it to advertise directly on your news feed.

Get a full detailed explanation about our great News Ticker feature and see demonstrations of it here.

You can add the News Ticker feature to any plan for £2.99 per month.

Add your own news feed to your live stream.

Add News Ticker Option £2.99

Watch Time Limit - Restrict viewing time with a clickable text or image when limit reached.

With our watch time limit feature, you can limit a viewers access to the live webcam. When the limit is reached a clickable text URL or image is shown which can be used to direct the viewer to another page or website to continue viewing or for some other purpose.

Otherwise the viewer has to keep refreshing your webcam page to continue viewing for the desired period.

this feature can be used to encourage subscriptions or simply to prevent viewers leaving your live feed running continuously especially when unattended etc.

Get a full detailed explanation and see a demonstration of the Time Limit Feature here.

You can add the Viewing Time Limit feature to basic and standard plans for £1.99 per month.

Camsecure Viewer Time Limit Feature

Add Time Limit Option £1.99

Add 48 Hour Loop Recording To Your Basic, Standard or Business Package

Add 48 hour loop recording to Basic, Standard or Business packages for £2.99 per month. Records and stores rolling 5 minute clips continually over a 48 hour period deleting the oldest recording first, or you can tell us what times you would like the recordings to take place over a 48 hour schedule, if you only wanted recording to take place in the evenings or daytime for example.

The recordings will be available to download via your download page provided and the code can be copied into your own website so your site viewers can see them too if you wish. Alternatively you can keep them for your eyes only.

Add recording to basic, standard or business packages for £2.99

Add Live Rewind To Your Basic or Standard Package

Add a 20 minute Live Rewind feature to your Basic or Standard streaming plan. Viewers can scroll backwards from and forward to live, and rewind up to a maximum of 20 minutes from the live picture. This is a good feature for your viewers if your live camera shows events such as ships passing or aircraft taking off, then the viewer can rewind it up to the maximum time and view it again, pause it, take a snapshot, zoom in etc. and then watch from a specific point up to 20 minutes in the past or switch back to live viewing. Using our standard cross platform player, All the player features of the live feed are available on the rewound content,

This feature works on 99 percent of computer browsers and most mobile devices, but not all mobiles will support the rewind feature depending on age and operating system. You can see this feature operating on one of our player demonstrations here. Go to the page and look at the Camsecure Party Skin player and you can try out the feature for yourself.

Add live rewind to basic and standard streaming plans for £1.00

Information Video On Your Stream

Our Information Video feature is aimed at clubs and organsiations who may wish to present a small information video at the start of their webcam stream or up to 1 minute after a viewer starts watching.

This could be - for example, information about memberships, a quick detailed look at club facilities, mooring information for sailing clubs, a set of views of the course on a golf club, anything you think would benefit the viewer to know more about yourselves.

The information video must be a maximum of 1 minute long. When a viewer clicks on your live webcam page, they will see the video first and then the live stream will start or see the video after a brief period af watching the lve stream. You can also have a 5 second SKIP button so regular viewers can skip the video or have the video start a minute or two into the live stream. This feature is included in all streaming plans except the basic and standard plan but you can add it to a basic plan for just £1.00 per month

A full desription of this feature and its options including a demonstration can be found here..

Information Video Option

Information Video £1.00

Run Your Own Video Adverts for your customers and monetise your live webcam

With our Video advertising feature you can run your own video adverts for your customers on your live webcam. For example if your camera happens to show a shop front or there is a useful store nearby to the live webcams location you can run a video advert all about it and bring your viewers attention to its existence and whereabouts. Then you can agree a fee with your customer to show the advert each time the webcam page is viewed and at a couple of positions into the live feed, or have one at the beginning of the stream and a couple of others at a minute or so after the viewer starts watching.

If you are creative and able then you can produce the video files yourself or get a professional video produced and have it show on your live stream. Your customer may already have a propmotional video or would like to produce their own which you can then show on your webcam stream. The advertising option is included on business and Professional plans, but it can be added to other plans for an additional £5.00 per month

A full desription of this feature, how it works and a demonstration can be found here..

Run Your Own Adverts

Run your own Video Adverts £5.00

Run Your Own Banner Overlay Adverts for your customers and monetise your live webcam

With our Overlay advertising feature you can insert your own overlay adverts for your customers on your live webcam. 

An overlay advertising grapic will be inserted each time the viewer views your webcam. The graphic will stay there with a count down of X seconds ion the top right hand corner. After this short span the viewer can click the Close button (X) and the advertisement will dissapear and the live webcam will show.

The grahic can be pulled from your own website server, just give us the HTTPS path to the advertising graphic and our system will insert the image on your live webcam at the start of viewing. Of course you can change this advert as often as you like.

A full desription of this feature, how it works and a demonstration can be found here..

Run Your Own Banner Advert

Run your own Banner Overlay Adverts £2.00

Add our Re-Stream service to Any Package

Our Re-Stream service broadcasts compatible live streams directly from your Camsecure live webcam account to your YouTube channel and/or Twitch account so your followers on those platforms can watch your live webcam there too.

YouTube will broadcast your webcam feed continually with no time limit until stopped or interrupted after which you need to log in to your YouTube account and restart it. Twitch has a 48 hour time limit for live streams again after which time you need to restart your Twitch live stream.

The Camsecure restream service is in additon to your normal Camsecure live webcam feed which broadcasts continually 24/7 and will not be affected by your restream and you can cancel restreaming at any time you wish without affecting your normal Camsecure live webcam.

Camsecure restream provides two external streams from your account, one for YouTube and one for Twitch. 

Add Camsecure Re-Stream to any package for £10.00

Add Camera Sequencer To Your Basic, Standard or Business Package

Our Camera Sequencer feature allows you to stream up to 6 cameras on the same feed and have them sequenced (shown one after the other) to your web page. 

This is a great way to save money if you need to show multiple cameras on your web site but you do not need them to be shown simultaneously, or if your budget cant sustain 6 seperate continual feeds, or as an extra feature to your site enabling viewers to choose to see all your feeds in sequence or just stick with their favourite one.

Your camera feeds can be from different locations so if you wanted to show off the views from your premises dotted around the globe you can just have them added to the sequence.

We can set the delay between each camera being shown from seconds to hours to suit your needs, and the feature works with all our players too.

Add camera sequencer to basic, standard or business packages for £2.00

24 Hour Scheduler Option - Switch Camera On/Off to a Schecule

The 24 Hour Scheduler option gives you two On/Off time windows for your camera. This means that you can have your live stream switched on and off automatically twice during the 24 hour period. This automatic schedule is repeated every day.

When your camera is switched off you can choose to have either our standard test card showing or we can play your own custom test card or off line message continually until the schedule switches your camera back on, and once its set up, if your camera goes off line for any other reason e.g. someone pulls the plug out then your custom video message will be played continually untl the camera output restored so your viewers wont just get a blank screen.

You can add the scheduler to your plan for £2.00 per month.

24 hour scheduler animation

Add 24 Hour Scheduler Option £2.00

Adaptive Bit Rate (ABR) Streaming

Our ABR streaming option ensures the most suitable quality stream is delivered to each device viewing it by adjusting resolution and data speed to suite the display size and connection type for each device.

So no matter if you are viewng the stream on an older mobile device in portrait mode over a standard 3G connection or in full screen mode on  pwerfull desktop machine with a fibre connection and a 1080P screen you will be receiving the best quality stream for it.

The stream is delivered to the device according to screen size, window size and available data rate to ensure the best possible service for everyone.

To use ABR you must have a sutable camera and connection at the camera site to allow the higher resolutions to be brought in to our system. ABR is included with Business plan and upwards but you can add it to your basic or standard plan too for just £1.99 per month.

Adaptive Bit Rate Streaming

Add ABR to basic or standard plans £1.99

Add Time Shifted Playback To Your Basic, Standard or Business Package

Our time shifted playback feature lets you pause your live stream, seek back and replay from any point within the last 4 hours and resume live playback instantly right from the player. This can really enhance your web site display and viewer experience and can be added to your package for just £1.50 per month.

When this feature is enabled the player will display a time line where you can click to seek back in time, jump to live view again, pause, and resume live playback. The timeline is independantly available to all your viewers and we can set the time shift for anywhere from a few minutes to 4 hours of time shift depending on your needs.

Time shift playback is only available on our web socket player. For a full recording system that allows you to download and keep recordings up to 48 hours, see our loop recording feature listed below.

Add timeline playback to basic, standard or business packages for £1.50

Extra Simultaneous Viewer Packs for Basic or Standard Package

Your account will have a simultaneous viewer limit unless you have a Pro account. This is the maximum number of viewers that can access your feed "AT THE SAME TIME". If your broadcast is becoming really popular, so much so that you need more people to be able to get on to it at the same time then you can add viewers in batches of 200 extra to what you currently have.

If you add a viewer pack to your basic feed then you will automatically get a FREE upgrade to mobile viewing capability too.

Add 200 more simultaneous viewers for £3.50 per month.

Add 200 extra simultaneous viewers £3.50

Live Channel Option - Switch Cameras And Content To a Schedule

The Live Channel option allows you to broadcast your live cameras, video's and even video adverts according to a rolling 24 hour schedule. Tell us your schedule for your live cameras and video slots and we will program the live channel schedule for you. Once programmed the schedule times can only be altered by us - But you can upload replacement videos and content for your video breaks as often as you wish. So for example if your schedule includes 20 video breaks in a 24 hour period then you are in complete control of what material is shown on your channel during those breaks.

See a live channel demonstration here. Add to your plan for £4.00 per month.

Camsecure live channel TV animation

Add Live Channel Option £4.00

FTP Camera - for poor Internet Area's

If your Internet Speed and Bandwidth prevents you from having a Live Stream then you can use our FTP camera and FTP hosting. The FTP camera connects to our servers and uploads an HD image at intervals ranging from seconds to hours (of your choosing) to our servers which will then domain lock the image and deliver it to your own web page on demand.

You can use your own Website Host instead providing that they can accomodate Standard FTP transfer protocol. Otherwise you will need our service. 

Note that our service only operates with our image rename FTP camera here which also allow live streaming so if your Internet speed gets increased in the futur you can easily upgrade your account to real time live streaming.

We can host your FTP camera for £1.99 per month.

FTP Webcam Hosting

FTP Camera Hosting £1.99

Multi-Site or Third Party Website Sharing

Your live webcam stream is protected against 3rd party web sites "hijacking" your stream and using it as their own. This practise would use up your viewer count that you pay for. Direct linking to our service to "hijack" streams is also actively prevented as this is stealing data and resource from us.

If you have more than one main website of your own and want to add your camera to those too, then we can either share your viewer count across them both at no extra cost or provide a generous discount on a second full stream.

If you want to give a 3rd party website access to your live webcam and show it on their site too then this can be added to your plan for just £1.99 per month for each additional domain. This will make additional basic resource available for each additional domain. Payment must be made from either party.

Any 3rd party website that is allowed access to your stream must comply with the conditions for 3rd party access which can be found here.

Multi Site Streaming

3rd Party Site Access £1.99

Full Mobile Compatibility Now Included as Standard

The basic package now includes full mobile support for Apple, Android and Windows mobile devices just like our other streaming plans. We have also doubled the viewer limit for the basic plan to 50 simultaneous viewers too, so now there is no need for the mobile upgrade option as its all included in the new basic plan price of £2.99.

If you are on the old plan plus mobile then you are paying exactly the same for the same service. If you are on the old basic plan only without mobile, and would like to upgrade then just contact us and we can upgrade you in a flash.

Android Logo
Apple Logo

Mobile device support now included on all plans as standard.

Social Media