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News Ticker On Your Live Stream

Our News Ticker feature puts a scrolling news ticker on your live webcam feed. Now you can let all your webcam viewers have the latest news about your business, club or company, and with the clickable news items, even advertise a service or product with a click through to 3rd parties.

The news ticker can be shown at the bottom or top of your live Camsecure webcam feed and you can see a demonstration of each option below along with a description of operation for each.

News Ticker at the bottom you can show the current local time and your brand icon if you wish, just like many TV broadcasters do.  

News Ticker at the top you can still have the current local time displayed on the ticker if you wish but the brand icon option is not available.  

How Our Webcam News Ticker Option Works

The Camsecure News Ticker feature for your live webcam stream uses an RSS feed which stands for Really Simple Syndication - which is a way to distribute content using an XML File. The XML file holds the details about your news/information that you want show on the news ticker and this information can be easily edited using a simple text editor. Providing you keep to the correct format you can make the news feed as long as you like and put all your relevant news into it and our system will then post your news across your live webcam display so all your viewers can see it while watching your live webcam.

With the news ticker you can have headlines show as your main news scrolls below it. You can make some news messages clickable links too so when your viewer sees something of interest and clicks that news item or message they are taken to the appropriate URL. So you can even use the news ticker to advertise a service or product with a clickable link through to the advertiser. The news ticker file is automatically re-read and updated every 10 minutes as a viewer keeps watching and of course is read each time someone connects to or refreshes your webcam page. If you want to temporarily stop the news ticker from showing, just rename the file to something other than news.xml and the news ticker will disappear - then change it back again to reinstate it. 

When you subscribe to the news ticker feature we give you a sample news file to experiment with. You need to upload this to your own website so you can edit it at will. Then provide us with the URL to the file so our system can call the file as required and load your latest news. For example your file could be accessed by us at the address - Then you can edit the file for your own news or create your own files in advance and simply replace the news file with the new one each time you want to update the feed. 

If you choose to have the news ticker at the bottom of the screen you also have the option of your own custom news logo too.

NOTE: Content within the webcam news ticker is your responsibilty and must not infinge on any coyright material what so ever and must not be pornographic or adult in nature. Any material broadcast which does not comply or any valid complaints regarding content will result in the immediate termination of the live news ticker facility.

Add News Ticker Feature to your streaming plan for £3.99 per month

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