The standard Camsecure live webcam player has most of the features you will need for a good webcam display. However depending on your plan you may also be able to choose some different player skins and additional features to enhance your viewer experience and more closely match your own web site design. The player customisation option is included on business and professional plans only but is available on Basic and Standard plans as a paid add on by adding it to your plan from the "Extras" section. Here are the currently available player SKIN options with most player features demonstrated across the various players too. Splash Screens, Logo's and other settings are set to Camsecure default for these demonstrations but can be set to your own personal logo and screens. A full list of available features and their explanation can be found below the last player skin demonstration.
Camsecure Default Player Skin (autoplay enabled)
Camsecure Default Skin
Our standard player skin, tried and tested to fit in with most web page designs.
Control bar icons are crisp and neat and only show up when the viewer mouses over the live window.
Logo is shown top left hand side and only on mouse over so it does not distract the viewer by showing all the time and is the opposite side to where most Camsecure webcams will show the time and date so it does not clash.
Clicking in the video window toggles pause and also switches the play/pause icon on the control bar which keeps showing until play resumes..
Right click on this player brings up a clickable button to go to the Camsecure service status page and there is a custom clickable control bar logo too.
All logo's and Context menu's may be set to custom URL's on click. Only most common snapshot, full screen and settings icons used.
Camsecure Default Player with News Ticker (autoplay enabled)
Camsecure News Ticker
Our standard player skin but with the News Ticker add on enabled.
All player functions are the same as the default player supplied but here we have added the News Ticker add on with the option of the news feed at the bottom of the live feed.
The News Ticker can be added to any streaming plan and can be used to display your own news feed plus clickable scrolling links to your site or even other sites, so cpould be used as a form of advertising on your feed.
To see a full demo of the News Ticker and find out all about its features Click Here.
News Ticker can be added to any of our player skins.
Camsecure Chrome Player Skin (autoplay enabled)
Camsecure Chrome Skin
Our Chrome player skin, has a sleek chromium finish to it with a solid control bar the full length of the player window.
Control bar icons show black on chrome with the control bar only showing up when the viewer mouses over the live window.
Volume and zoom sliders are coloured blue which compliments the chromium theme and the settings menu has filters control for custom brightness colour and contrast settings.
Clicking in the video window toggles pause and also switches between play/pause icons on the control bar which keeps showing until play resumes.
Right click brings up play/pause, mute and full screen controls plus a status check option for the Camsecure service status page.
All logo's and Context menu's may be set to custom URL's on click.
Camsecure Party Player Skin (autoplay enabled)
Camsecure Party Skin
Our Party player skin uses a semi transparent control bar inlaid with white icons or white and blue for control levels
Control bar only shows up when the viewer mouses over the live window. Pause can be by using the large play/pause button in line with the control bar on mouse over or be toggled by clicking in the video window.
Logo is shown top left hand side and continually on for this demonstration. Logo graphic is partially transparent - this is the logo graphic itself.
Thgis player also demonstrates our Live Replay option, just mouse over and use the slider to rewind the live video or use the 10 second back button.
Also for this demonstration Right click option is disabled.
All logo's and Context menu's may be set to custom URL's on click.
Camsecure Roundal Player Skin (click to start)
Camsecure Roundal Skin
Our Roundal player skin is similar to the Chrome player but for this skin we have rounded the edges of the control bar which sits just inside the video window not quite reaching the outer edges.
For this demonstration video does not auto start and the viewer must click or tap the play button to start the live feed.
Logo is shown top right hand side continually for this demonstration and Right click menu is disabled
Clicking on the settings cog icon brings up a list of options including colour brightness and contrast filters, Zoom control for computer users and web page share button to allow easy sharing of your webcam page with social media.
All logo's and splash screens may be set to custom graphics.
Camsecure Pinky Player Skin (click to start)
Camsecure Pinky Skin
Our Pink player skin uses a transparent control bar with shadowed overlay while showing to allow easy view of the icons on bright pictures. Icons are larger and all control variables are laid in pink.
For this demonstration player is kept clean so there are no logo's on screen or on the control bar and there is no context menu either.
Player is also set to manual start. Control icons include PIP, Full Screen, Mirror, Audio and settings. with Zoom and Share.
This is done to show you dont necessarily need all the controllable features of a player to engage your audience.
As with all players, this skin can be fitted with all the standard and enhaced features as required to tailor the player to your own web site requirements for your live camera feed.
Camsecure Barebone Player Skin (click to start)
Camsecure Barebone Skin
Our Barebone player skin gives you a simple to use player option with a minimalist pleasing and simple operation.
Player opens up when first loaded with a large play button in the middle of the screen. Click this to sart the player, click in the screen again to pause it, click again in the screen to resume.
No buttons, no control bar just play the live feed or pause it.
Smooth and simple.
Feature List and Explanation
Splash Screen - A graphic that will show prior to the live feed or video starting.
Offline Image - A graphic that will show while a live feed or video is not available.
Logo - A graphic logo that will show either all the time or only on mouse over with a clickable URL.
Control Bar Logo - A tiny graphic that will show on the right side of the control bar with a clickable URL.
Picture In picture - A screen icon that will allow a small live screen of the webcam to show all the time providing the browser is still running.
Mirror Image - A screen icon that will allow you to select a reverse/mirror image to be shown
Snapshot - Click the camera icon to take a still snapshot of the player image at that time. Takes picture at the resolution of the current feed.
Settings Cog Wheel - Click this icon to enter the additional settings menu area for features not located on the main control bar.
Context Menu - Right click brings up either a clickable logo to a new URL or on latest version also brings up play/pause/resume controls too.
Share - Allows camera page URL to be shared with social media from player window. NOTE live content is protected so video feed embed is not allowed.
Zoom - Allows a computer viewer to digitally zoom the live feed or video and drag the zoomed area with the mouse. Also operates via mouse wheel.
Filter Control - Allows you to adjust Brightness/Contrast/Colour of the feed displayed within the player (does not adjust camera settings).
Live Rewind - Allows you to rewind the last 20 minutes from live - avaiable as an add on or included with Professional and Unlimited plans.
Speed Control - Mainly used for video content - allows you to speed up or slow down playback.
Related Content - Allows you to select from a list of other related live streams or videos from within player window.
Related Slider - NEW / An icon on main screen to allow sliding through available related content - currently videos only.
Quality Picker - On Professional plan - ABR can be set allowing either auto or manual video feed quality selection.
Watch Limit - Allows auto stopping of a feed after a pre-defined amount of time with a clickable splash screen to a new URL. Refresh page to start feed again.
News Ticker - Run your own news feed across your live stream just like on Sky etc. See live demonstrations here.
Elegant Live Clock
- show a more elegant clock than the cameras built in one, see Overlay Clock Demo Here - see Control Bar Clock Demo Here.
Information Video - A full description of our Information Video feature can be found here.
Pre Roll and Mid Roll Custom Adverts - A full description of our Pre/Mid - Roll Video advertising feature can be found here.
Banner Advertisements - A full description of our Show Your Own Banner Advertisements can be found here.
Volume Control - On streams with audio a speeaker and volume control slider will show to allow adjustment of volume level.
Mute Button - On streams with audio clicking the speaker/mute icon will mute all audio until it is un-muted again.
Autoplay - Live and recorded streams can be set to auto play - but there are caveats on how this works, see full description below.
Most features can be used simultaneously on our player but with some there is a cross interaction. So if you are planning your player to use a lot of features then let us know what you are planning and we can double check any cross interactions there may be and make you aware of it before you make the final decision on what you would like to use.
Low Latency and Additional Players.
Our main stream player shown in the examples above is our flagship player and it works perfectly on 99.9 percent of Browsers and Operating systems. Designed for overall device compatibility as the paramount requirement it is the most widely used and useful of our players. However this comes at a small price in latency.
What is Latency? Latency in terms of your webcam is a time delay between the cause and the effect of some physical change in the picture being observed. That is how long before a change viewed by the camera is seen by your web page viewer. Normally this can be anywhere between 10 and 30 seconds using our flagship player which is due to its conversion technique for providing such excellent multiple device compatibility, and this will be fine for most cases.
If you do have a requirement for very low latency for your application and/or some of the specialist features we can provide for your specialist site then have have a look at our Web RTC and Web Socket players which should fit the bill and have very low latency.
Camsecure Super Low Latency WebRTC Player
Camsecure WebRTC Player
Our Web RTC player is ideal for when you need really low latency with the displayed live video typically a maximum of 1-3 seconds behind real time. Can be used for low latency live streaming only and has no customisation features.
The player is fast to load and run and has Pause/Play option, Full Screen mode and a very useful Picture In Picture (PIP) mode.
The Web RTC player is supported on any modern OS and mobile device with hardware decoding and is compatible with Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Brave browsers.
If the lowest latency stream is what you need for computers and mobile devices with a good variety of browser support then this is the player to choose.
Note these special players are not as multi device compatible as our main stream player and are designed for use in special cases where low latency is most important on specialist websites.
Camsecure Web Socket player with Low Latency.
Camsecure Web Socket Player
Our Web Socket player uses Media Source Extensions to provide a low latency player with some added features which may be important for use on some specialised web sites.
This player can also be used with our time shifted playback feature for instant rewind of live cameras which is included with the professional account, and this can be added to any other account too providing this player is used.
This player is not as cross browser/device compatible as the other players and it will run on Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer on Windows and on Safari on the Mac. It will also operate on Chrome and Firefox on Android devices but Apple IOS does not yet support it so when Apple devices try to view the stream with this player it will switch in the standard player instead.
This player fits the bill If you need low latency as a priority with computer viewers as your main target audience.
More Player and Stream Options
So in summary we absolutely recommend our flagship player for web site use which provides the highest - almost total browser and operating system compatibility for displaying your live webcams on your web site so everyone can enjoy them. The low latency options may be for you if you are running a specialised web site that really needs low latency more than cross platform compatibility with computer users as your main target audience.
Now what about everyone else?
Well for even more specialised scenarios we can provide streams in other media formats too.
These include:-
Windows Media - Windows Media Player
Microsoft Smooth Streaming - Microsoft Silverlight
MPEG2-TS Broadcasting - Set Top Boxes
FLASH - Yes some people still want to or need to use Flash streaming e.g. to hardware decoders incorporated in dedicated equipment.
These methods are not cross browser compatible and are not really suited for mobile viewing but some specialised sites still use these methods for in house broadcasting or for specific target audiences and we can support them all.
Just contact us if you need your broadcast in one of these other formats.