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Chilbolton Flying Club Recordings
Current Live View
Available Recordings.

How To Download Your Recordings

In the recordings list below the live window, click on the name to the right of the folder icon. Then click through the year, month, date you require.

A list of recordings for that date will appear. To choose a recording time, look at the date information on the left by the file icon. It will show you the year, month, day followed by an underscore "_" then the start time of the file e.g. 08-48-31. Click each individual file you need to download it in your browser.
Once a file is downloaded you can view it in any player program or video editing package e.g. Windows Media, VLC or any free or commercial editor, and manipulate it as you need. Each file begins where the last one finished so you can easily add files together to produce a longer video if you wish.

Once you have the files you can also take snapshots and do any video processing on them you need for media, flyers, promotions etc. The files are standard MP4 format.

Remember to download your files within 48 hours of record time as the recordings are deleted on a rolling period, oldest first and once gone they cannot be retrieved.
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