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Hybrid Solar/Wind Webcam Power System

Designed for use in scenic spots and rural areas and for other situations where a mains power source is not available, our Hybrid Solar and Wind webcam power system is ideal for the more powerful remote webcam installation requirements. Motorised PTZ webcams, multiple webcams and live streaming 24 hours using full IR night vision may use more power than Solar alone could provide without a very large Solar array. So in such a situation, a combined Wind and Solar webcam power system can be used.

The use of both Solar and Wind sources connected to our Hybrid Lithium battery charge and control system ensures a constantly available webcam power source in all weather conditions as when Solar output falls during low light conditions and the winter months the Wind Turbine can still provide output.

As power requirements will vary according to the webcam(s) and other devices to be used, each installation is calculated accordingly to ensure adequate power for the type of webcam to be used. See one of our Solar & Wind Powered Webcams Here. See a Webcam running on Starlink Here.

Hybrid Solar and Wind Webcam Power System

Solar and Wind power together to power webcam
Pole Mounted Solar and Wind powered camera

Providing there is a clear view to the sky and the area is open enough to catch the wind to power the turbine, Live webcams can even be fitted deep in the woods or up on cliffs where there is no power at all.

The webcams then connect to the Internet  via long range point to point WiFi link, 4G/5G data point , or even Starlink satellite Internet.

Our solar and wind power system can be fully pole mounted for a completely self contained installation e.g. in a remote or wooded area, or if the location permits, the solar panels can be installed at ground level or mounted on the roof of an outbuilding with the wind power pole mounted separately.

Combined with our Plug and Play webcams and live streaming system you can now have a live stream on your own website from almost anywhere as our system can be connected to the Internet in a number of ways where there is no hard Internet connection either, including:-

Point to Point Wifi

Point to Point WiFi

4G/5G Mobile Data System

4G5G wireless data connection

Starlink Satellite Internet

Starlink Webcam Connection

Point to Point WiFi:-

If there is a local WiFi connection available then our solar and wind powered webcam system can connect to this, or if you have a suitable Internet connection that is a long way away from the camera location (up to 4 miles) but with a clear Line Of Sight (LOS) between the camera location and the Internet connection we can connect to this using our long range wireless connection system.

4G/5G Data Connection:-

If there is no suitable network in the area but you have a strong cellular signal  - preferably on the "3" network, then we can connect to our service using 4G/5G data too.

Starlink Satellite Internet:-

In areas where either of the above solutions are not available then we can install Starlink for you and connect your webcam(s) via Satellite internet data connection.

Once any of these solutions are in place you can then also have a local WiFi access point in that area which can be used as any normal WiFi and used for communiation too if there is poor mobile coverage in the case of the pointt t point link or Starlink.

So now there is almost no location where it is not possible to install and stream a full HD Camsecure Live Webcam to your own website and using Solar and Wind power to run your webcam is Eco friendly too.

Contact us to discuss our Solar and Wind power solution further and with any other queries you may have too.

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