Wireless 5.8 Ghz CCTV using MIMO technology for areas with obstructions
Camsecure 5.8 Ghz Wireless CCTV usingMIMO technology
MIMO transmission (Multi Input - Multi Output) uses a digitally encrypted MPEG-4 signal to transmit both Video and Audio. This greatly enhances
the security and the quality of images being sent and received. The system also employs multiple antennas which are used to transmit duplicate
signals to ensure images avoid potential obstructions. MIMO radio CCTV is ideal when an internal office to office solution is required.
Camsecure CCTV
CCTV Equipment Software and Systems
5.8 Ghz Transmitter and Receiver Kit
Transmitter receiver kit
Video and audio
Range up to 200 metres
MIMO technology
MPEG-4 digital transmittion
Reduced interference from wireless LAN
Digital encryption
Aluminium case
Fully approved
12v DC @ 850mA
5.8 Ghz MIMO Transmitter - Receiver Kit
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Up to 200 Metres >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Distances vary dependant on local conditions and environment
5.8 Ghz with MIMO Technology