Camsecure CCTV
Webcams CCTV Software and Systems
St. Michaels Mount Viewed From Mount Bay Webcam in Penzance.
This live webcam views St. Michaels Mount from Mount Bay in
Penzance, Cornwall and is fitted to the Cliff Hotel on the sea front.
The ancient market town of Penzance is set in beautiful Mounts Bay
which is dominated by the grandeur of St. Michael's Mount.
On 1 November 1755 the Lisbon earthquake caused a tsunami to strike
the Cornish coast, over 1,000 miles (1,600 km) away from the epicentre.
The sea rose eight feet in Penzance, but little damage was recorded.

St Michael's Mount is a tidal island 366 metres (400 yards) off the
Mount's Bay coast of Cornwall and the castle there is the official
residence of Lord St Levan.
At Camsecure we supply and install high quality yet reasonably priced
Internet CCTV and conventional CCTV products, Software and Streaming
Webcams. We can even build you a complete CCTV website.
Our streaming cameras are used all over the world for a wide variety of
uses and If you would like a similar camera to help promote your
business or service or to stream to your own website please contact us.
We also provide Webcam Hosting services and if you dont want to install
your own camera we have a UK Installation service too.
We hope you have enjoyed viewing our live Mount Bay webcam, why not
have a look at our other webcams from Cornwall too.
Live webcam from Mount Bay, Penzance in Cornwall
Webcam Decomissioned, please
take a look at our other Cornwall
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